Sunday School & Small Groups
Sunday School
To create spiritual and social relationships, develop spiritual disciplines, accountability/support, continued growth, & disciple others ~ all meet on Sunday mornings for one hour.
Adult Bible Study
Our current course of study is the “Adult Bible Studies” series which includes weekly, thought-provoking lessons facilitated by different members of the class. The course of study changes quarterly and the content keeps our class discussions lively, interesting, and educational. We invite and welcome anyone who would like to attend to join us on Sunday mornings! Meets each Sunday morning @ 9:15, Room 7.
Contact Janice McCallen at for more information.
Sunday School Fellowship
This group meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM in Room 2 in the education building. Light refreshements, a brief devotion, and fellowship. We welcome any and all parents – those with babies, preschoolers, elementary school kiddos, teens, and even college students! Email Rev. Dr. Brad Thomas at if you would like more information.
Nursery (Ages newborn to Pre-K)
Our Nursery Ministries provide fun Bible story time, singing, creative learning, and crafts that are geared for each of our age groups.
Meets each Sunday morning @ 9:00 until 12:00, Rooms 12-14
- Cherubs ~ 6 weeks to 1 year ~ Room 14
- Angels ~ 1 & 2 year olds ~ Room 13
- Lambs ~ 3 years to Pre-K ~ Room 12
Promiseland (Kindergarten - 5th grades
Promiseland is a Bible-based, multimedia experience designed for today’s kids ages K-5th grade. Kids gather in the Fellowship Hall for drama and music. Then the kids break up into smaller friendship groups for fun activities. Come find out why Promiseland is the best hour of your child’s week!
Contact: Jill Kirk, Director of Children’s Ministries ~ ~ 387-0007
Meets each Sunday morning @ 9:30 & 10:30 Fellowship Hall.
Youth Kick-Start (6th - 12th grades)
Contact: Sam Belcher ~ ~
Youth meet every Sunday morning at 9:30 in the Youth Lounge for Kickstart class. Here we dive deep into the biblical text to discover how it speaks into our lives today! Kickstart is a class where we have some fun, read the Bible, and have a rich discussion about the questions it raises.
Come check us out!
Small Groups
To create spiritual and social relationships, develop spiritual disciplines, continued growth, accountability/support, & disciple others ~ usually meet at a time other than Sunday a.m., thus can meet for a longer time.
Women's Monday Night Study Group
When: Bi-Weekly on Monday nights
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where: Various locations
Contact: Amy Emerson, 901-647-5582 / for more information
Journey Small Group
When: Second & Fourth Tuesday of each month
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Where: Various Locations
Contact: Joanne Henegar, 901-486-0179 / for more information
S.H.I.N.E. (Kindergarten thru 5th grade)
When: 4th Sunday of each Month (following Lakeland School Schedule)
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Where: SPUMC Multi-Purpose Building in Fellowship Hall
Contact: Jill Kirk at for more information.
Youth Ministries
When: Sunday Afternoon (following Lakeland School Schedule)
Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
Where: SPUMC Multi-Purpose Building in Youth Lounge
Contact: Alison Sink at for more information.
Preschool Program
Contact: Jessica Clough ~ ~ 372-7808
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday ~ 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
United Methodist Men (UMM)
Meet last Saturday of each Month, 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall
Contact Thomas Trieschman at 901-568-2777 or for more information.
All men welcome!
United Women in Faith
The day and evening circles recently combined, and we now meet on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM at the church.
All women are welcome to join us. We gather for fellowship and refreshments, and we study lessons from the UMW’s program book. Additionally, we offer programs on topics of interest and invite guest speakers to join us. The heart of our work is the mission projects we do, especially for women and children, and we are involved in mission outreach throughout the year.
We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM in the church Fellowship Hall.
Information contacts are:
Frances Lawson at
Terry Cummings at
Sandy Mauney at
2022 Schedule of Meetings
January 8 | St. Paul Homebound | Prepare soup, cookies, and cards for homebound members. |
February 12 | Prayer & Self Denial | Lesson from our program book |
March 12 | Tour of St. Matthew’s | To be rescheduled, due to inclement weather |
April 9 | Topic: Nutrition | Guest speaker: Brenda Brooks – SNAP Agent |
May 14 | Topic: ShelbyNext | Guest speaker: Amy Emerson |
June 11 | Topic: Church Health Center | Guest speaker: Sterling McNeal |
July 9 | Topic: Grace Place | Guest speaker: Rev. Diane Harrison |
August 11 | Wesley Stage Park | We will play Bingo with the residents of Wesley Stage Park at their facility |
September 10 | Topic: Golden Cross | Guest speaker: Kristi Owens |
October 8 | Pledge Service | Lesson from our program book |
November 12 | World Thank Offering | Lesson from our program book |
December 10 | Christmas Party |
Wednesday Women's Small Group
Wednesday Women’s Small Group
Lead By Patty Rainey
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Room 2
Please contact Patty Rainey at 901-849-0611 for more information.
Handbells and Choir
Handbell Practice
Wednesday’s 5:30 – 6:30 pm
In the Sanctuary
Choir Practice
Wednesday’s 6:30 – 7:30pm
In the Sanctuary
Please contact Jon Steadman at 901-491-4563 for more information.