Safe Sanctuary

What is St. Paul’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy?

St. Paul’s Safe Sanctuaries Policy is one safeguard that we put in place to reduce the risk of abuse or injury to infants, children, and youth who participate in our programs.

Who should complete the Safe Sanctuaries Training?

 All persons desiring to volunteer in programs with children and youth must complete the application process and receive SS training.  Refresher training is required once a year.

How do I proceed?

 For those new to Safe Sanctuaries are just three steps:
1.  Download the training materials (Safe Sanctuary Training Year B link)
2.  Complete this review test and turn it into the office
3.  Complete the attached forms and turn them into the church office with the test

For those needing refresher training, just complete Steps 1 and 2.

Safe Sanctuary Forms