Cub Scouts (Pack 455)
Cub Scout Pack 455 meets each Tuesday at 7 pm when school is in session at St Paul United Methodist in Lakeland, TN. The address for the church is 2949 Davies Plantation – on the corner of Hwy 64 and Davies. We have Den Meetings every Tuesday with Pack Meetings on the last Tuesday of every month.
We have a full range of Dens from Lions to Webelo Twos. This encompasses school age boys from Kindergarten through 5th grade.
You can contact the Pack Leader, Michael Conrad at
We take several camping trips throughout the year.
These include:
- Kia Kima Summer Camp
- Camp Currier
- Cub-o-Ree
- Howl-o-ween
- Scout Base
- Big Summer Overnight Event (Some examples from previous years)
- Space Camp in Huntsville, AL City Museum in St Louis, MO USS Alabama in Mobile, AL
- Webelo Woods & Webelos Encampment
In addition, we have activities throughout the year such as:
- Pinewood Derby
- Scout Sunday
- Rain Gutter Regatta
- Scouting for Food
- Trail’s End Popcorn Campaign
- Blue Gold Banquet
- Wolf River Nature Hike
- Cub Scout Day Camps
And Many, Many More!
Check out the Chickasaw Council Eastern District website:
For Info on Boy Scouts Pack 455, CLICK HERE…